Shalom Mizoram

Established 15 years ago, Shalom Mizoram with the support of both national and international agencies, provided a continuum of HIV/AIDS prevention and care program for the most at risk population and for those who are infected and affected. SHALOM Mizoram is a HIV/AIDS project of EHA, started in December 1997 as a community based HIV/AIDS prevention and care program. Located in Aizawl in Mizoram, SHALOM aims to reduce HIV transmission, provide care to People Living With HIV/AIDS, and minimize the negative socio-economic impact of HIV on individuals, families and communities in Mizoram.

Major Projects:
Targeted intervention among Injecting Drug Users, Telephonic Counselling Services, Peer Educator Placement, Awareness Creation on HIV/AIDS among local churches, Justice and HIV & AIDS Project, and capacity building of PLWHAs


Major Highlights: 2014-2015

Targeting Youth (12-19 years) - Objective is to address their vulnerabilities to substance abuse and sex and sexuality. Information was provided through peer leaders and through social network using SMS and Facebook. This innovative project was supported by World Review, USA.

Targeted Intervention (TI) for injecting drug users (IDU - This is our regular program implemented with support from National AIDS Control Organization through Mizoram State AIDS Control Society (MSACS). Out of the total target of 5374 needles and syringes to be distributed only 3782 could be done due to delay in fund release and procurement. OST demand far exceeded MSACS’ target allocation of 50 clients. 6 monthly check up of IDUs for HIV and STD reached over 80%.

Integrated Care Clinic for IDUs (with support from YRG Care, Chennai) registered 180+ clients, 150+ tested for HIV, 120+ for STI, 30+ tested for TB, 150+ enrolled for NSEP.

Integrated Care and Support for PLHA (People living with HIV/AIDS) were supported by TEAR Australia and EFICOR. The program included anomynous meeting of PLHA, formation of self help groups (SHG) and provision of nutrional support, home care and support. We worked closely with postive networks and trained volunteers from the churches.


~ Dr Chawng Lung Muana, Project Director, Aizawl, Mizoram